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Total Records Found: 1009, showing 50 per page
AuthorAuthor (English)Work TitleWork Title (English)GenreLanguagePlaceDetail
Bigandet, Paul A. An outline of the history of the Catholic Burmese Mission from the year 1720 to 1887 religion English Rangoon
Bjorge, Gary J. Merrill’s Marauders: Combined operations in northern Burma in 1944 expedition English Fort Leavenworth, KS
Bleeck, A. W. G. Rubies in the Kachin Hills, Upper Burma trade English
Bleeck, A. W. G. Jadeite in the Kachin Hills, Upper Burma trade English
Bonifacy, Auguste Louis Etude sur les langues parlees par les populations de la haute Riviere Claire language French
Bouchery, Pascal Naga ethnography and Leach’s oscillatory model of Gumsa and Gumlao ethnology English Leiden
Bradley, David Kachin language English Berlin & New York
Bradley, David A dictionary of the northern dialect of Lisu (China and Southeast Asia) language English Canberra
Bradley, David Language endangerment and resilience linguistics: Case studies of Gong and Lisu language English
Bradley, David Evidence and certainty in Lisu language English
Bradley, David Lisu language English Edinburgh
Bradley, David Lìsù language language English Leiden
Bradley, David Lisu language English Routledge
Bradley, David The subgrouping of Proto-Tibeto-Burman language English Osaka
Bradley, David Tibeto-Burman languages and classification language English Canberra
Bradley, David The subgrouping of Tibeto-Burman language English Leiden
Bradley, David Thai hill tribes phrasebook : Lahu, Lisu, Karen and other hill tribes language English Hawthorn
Bradley, David Language endangerment and resilience linguistics: Case studies of Gong and Lisu language English
Bradley, David Deictic patterns in Lisu and Southeastern Tibeto-Burman language English Canberra
Bradley, David Lisu language English London
Bradley, David and Daniel Kane Lisu orthographies language English
Bradley, David and E. R. Leach Sound symbolism in Jinghpaw (Kachin) language English
Bradley, David and E. R. Leach Correspondence: Sound symbolism in Jinghpaw (Kachin) language English
Bradley, David and Maya Bradley Standardisation of transnational minority languages: Lisu and Lahu language English
Brenner, David Performing rebellion: Karaoke as a lens into political violence politics English
Bronson, Miles A spelling book and vocabulary in English, Assamese, Singpho and Naga language English Jaipur
Bronson, Miles Phrases in English and Singpho language English Jaipur
Brown, Nathan Comparison of Indo-Chinese languages language English
Buchanan, Francis A comparative vocabulary of some of the languages spoken in the Burma Empire language English
Buchanan, Francis On the religion and literature of the Burmas religion, language English
Bum Shanghkawng Jinghpaw laika ka ladat yawng jawm ginrat language Jinghpaw unknown
Bum Shanghkawng Ma ni hpe hkai dan na maumwi hte ga malai ni folktale Jinghpaw unknown
Burling, Robbins The historical place of Jinghpaw in Tibeto-Burman language English Urbana
Burling, Robbins The Sal languages language English
Burling, Robbins The Tibeto-Burman languages of Northeastern India language English London
Butler, John A sketch of Assam: with some account of the hill tribes general English London
Campbell, George Specimens of languages of India language English Calcutta
Carpenter, Chapin H. The mission to Ka Khyens religion English
Carpenter, Chapin H. Notes on the Ka-Khyen mission field general English
Carrapiett, W. J. S. The Kachin tribes of Burma general English Rangoon
Cheung, Chi-Hang Candice On the noun phrase structure of Jingpo language English
Cheung, Chi-Hang Candice Some speculations on the noun phrase structure of Jingpo language English Fresno
Cheung, Chi-Hang Candice The status of plural morphemes in classifier languages: An investigation of the plural morphemes in Jingpo language English Iowa City
Chumlut Ban Roi Myuq Pé, Muk Yù Zô Pyám Byí É Hkyô A tale of monkeys who stole snacks* textbook Zaiwa
Chumlut Ban Roi Nuq Ho Zò É Hkyô To Plant Peas* textbook Zaiwa
Chumlut Ban Roi Dusak Zô Pê É Mho-myi Animals Story textbook Zaiwa
Chumlut Ban Roi Nghap Sê Yù Râ Mhô-myi Zô Pé Reading Story textbook Zaiwa
Chumlut Ban Roi Zo Shuq Eq Sêng É Mho-myi Pé Food Story textbook Zaiwa
Chyin-yu Zau Ring Myit hprap ja lung seng hkrun lam hte pyaw htum ai sumsing mungdan general Jinghpaw unknown
Chyin-yu Zau Ring Chyin-yu & Hpauyu ni a ginru ginsa labau hte maumwi mausa laika buk history Jinghpaw unknown