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Total Records Found: 1009, showing 50 per page
AuthorAuthor (English)Work TitleWork Title (English)GenreLanguagePlaceDetail
刘江 Liu, Jiang 阿昌族的祖先崇拜 Ancestor worship of the Achang ethnic group culture Chinese
刘江 Liu, Jiang 阿昌族文化史 A cultural history of the Achang nationality* culture, history Chinese 昆明
刘璐 Liu, Lu* 景颇语概况 An outline of the Jingpo language* language Chinese
刘璐 Liu, Lu* 景颇语 The Jingpo language* language Chinese 北京
刘璐 Liu, Lu* 景颇语支 The Jingpo branch* language Chinese 北京
刘璐(编) Liu, Lu (ed.)* 景颇族语言简志 : 景颇语 Outline of the language of the Jingpo people: The Jingpo language* language Chinese 北京
加藤昌彦 Kato, Atsuhiko ミャンマーの諸民族と諸言語 Peoples and languages in Myanmar general Japanese
勒佗・督早坚 Le, Tao and Zaojian Du* 中国景颇语地名探源 Exploring the Jingpo place name in China* gazetteer Chinese 德宏
叶彩燕・顾阳・邓慧兰・戴庆厦 Ye, Caiyan, Yang Gu, Huilan Deng and Qingxia Dai* 试论景颇语的系动词 An essay on light verbs in Jingpo* language Chinese 北京
吉田敏浩 Yoshida, Koji* ダイドー・ブガ : 北ビルマ・カチン州の天地人原景 Dai daw buga: The primary landscape of the sky, land and the people in Kachin State, Northern Burma) reportage Japanese 東京
吉田敏浩 Yoshida, Koji* 宇宙樹の森 : 北ビルマの自然と人間その生と死 Forests of cosmic trees: Nature and people of Northern Burma --- Their life and death* reportage Japanese 東京
吉田敏浩 Yoshida, Koji* 生命の森の人びと : アジア・北ビルマの山里にて People of the forest of life: From mountain villages in Northern Burma) reportage Japanese 東京
吉田敏浩 Yoshida, Koji* 北ビルマ、いのちの根をたずねて People of the forest of life: From mountain villages in Northern Burma* reportage Japanese 東京
吉田敏浩 Yoshida, Koji* 森の回廊 : ビルマ辺境、民族解放区の1,300日 Forest corridors: 1,300 days in ethnic liberated areas in Burma's periphery* reportage Japanese 東京
周兴渤 Zhou, Xingbo* 景颇族文化 The Jingpo culture* history Chinese 吉林
周宗惠 Zhou, Zonghui* 景颇族刀文化研究 A study of the Jingpo sword culture* tradition Chinese
妹尾隆彦 Seo, Takahiko カチン族の首かご Kubikago of the Kachin people Japanese 東京
姚宝瑄 Yao, Baoxuan 中国各民族神话:白族·拉祜族·景颇族 The mythology of all the nations of China: The Bai, Lahu and Jingpo nationality folktale Chinese 太原
孟尊贤 Zun, Xianmeng 载瓦语的傣语借词 Dai language loanwords in Zaiwa language language Chinese
季翊 Ji, Yi 汉语与景颇语因重叠现象产生中缀的比较 The comparison between infixes produced by the duplication in Chinese and Jingpho language Chinese
寸晓红 Cun, Xiaohong* 阿昌族社会的文化适应研究 A study of cultural adaptation of the Achang society* culture Chinese 昆明
尚正宏 Shang, Zhenghong 景颇族文化中鸟的形象及其内涵 On the image of bird in Jingpo culture and its connotations culture Chinese
岳灵玉 Yue, Lingyu 景颇语366句会话句 366 phrases in Jingpo language Chinese 北京
岳相昆・戴庆厦・肖家成・徐悉艰(编) Yue, Xiangkun, Qingxia Dai, Jiacheng Xiao and Xiangkun Yue* 汉景辞典 A Chinese-Jingpo dictionary* language Chinese 昆明
岳麻腊 Yue, Mala* 景颇语杜连话概况 A brief introduction of Dulian speech Jingpo language* language Chinese
崔金明 Cui, Jinming* 景颇语四音格词的韵律特征初探 A preliminary study of prosodic characteristics of Jingpo tetrasyllabic words* language Chinese
张文国 Zhang, Wenguo 论景颇语的分化名词 On the dividing nouns In Jingpo language language Chinese
张文国 Zhang, Wenguo 景颇语动名兼类词的分化 The derivation of verb as noun in Jingpo language language Chinese
张本斯・成家茂・王剑华・王靖・荆永光・王凡・李瑞祥 Zhang, Bensi, Jiamoa Cheng, Jian Wang, Wangjing Hua, Yongguang Jing, Fan Wang and Ruixiang Li 德宏州景颇族手掌主线分布 Distribution of palmar main lines of Dehong Jingpo nationality in China biology Chinese
张本斯・李庄 ・张康 ・李新 ・王凡 ・李瑞祥 Zhang, Bensi, Zhuang Li, Kang Li, Xin Li, Fan Wang and Ruixiang Li 景颇族指纹纹型的分布 Distribution of fingerprint patterns of Jingpo nationality in China biology Chinese
張麟声 Zhang, Linsheng* 景頗語の[ai]の文法的性格について On the grammatical characteristics of [ai] in Jingpo* language Japanese
張麟声 Zhang, Linsheng* 景頗語の「mung」は助詞である mung" in Jingpo is a particle* language Japanese
張麟声・岳麻腊 Zhang, Linsheng and Mala Yue* 景頗語の限定助詞shaについて On the restrictive particle sha in Jingpo* language Japanese
彭国珍 Peng, Guozhen* 景颇语致使结构的类型学考察 A typological study of Jingpo causative constructions* language Chinese
彭瑛 Peng, Ying 论阿昌族酒文化 On wine culture of Achang nationality culture Chinese
徐俊六 Xu, Junliu 景颇族史诗"目瑙斋瓦"研究述评 Review of Jingpo nationality's Epic Munau Jaiwa culture Chinese
徐悉艰 Xu, Xijian* 景颇语的量词 Classifiers in Jingpo* language Chinese
徐悉艰 Xu, Xijian* 景颇语的使动范畴 Causative category in Jingpo* language Chinese
徐悉艰 Xu, Xijian* 景颇语的重叠式 Reduplication in Jingpo* language Chinese
徐悉艰 Xu, Xijian* 景颇族的姓名 Names of the Jingpo nationality* language Chinese
徐悉艰 Xu, Xijian* 景颇语量词的产生和发展 The rise and development of Jingpo classifiers* language Chinese
徐悉艰 Xu, Xijian* 景颇语中一种特殊的状述结构 A special type of stative predicate structure in Jingpo* language Chinese
徐悉艰 Xu, Xijian* 载瓦语的量词 Classifiers in Zaiwa* language Chinese
徐悉艰 Xu, Xijian* 景颇族载瓦语概要 An outline of Zaiwa of the Jingpo people* language Chinese
徐悉艰・肖家成・岳相昆・戴庆厦(编) Xu, Xijian, Jiacheng Xiao, Xiangkun Yue and Qingxia Dai (eds.)* 景汉辞典 A Jingpo-Chinese dictionary* language Chinese 昆明
徐悉艰, 徐桂珍 Xu, Xi Jian and Gui Zhen Xu* 景颇族语言简志(载瓦语) A Brief Description of Zaiwa Language of Jingpo Nationality* language Chinese 北京
徐涛 Xu, Tao* 景颇族 The Jingpo nationality* general Chinese 新疆
徐琳・木玉璋・盖兴之出 Xu, Lin, Yuzhang Mu and Zhichu Gaixing 傈僳语简志 Outline of the Lisu language* language Chinese 北京
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia* 载瓦语使动笵畴的形態変化 On the morphology of the causative category in Zaiwa* language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai Qingxia* 波拉语概况 An overview of the Bola language* language Chinese