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Total Records Found: 1009, showing 50 per page
AuthorAuthor (English)Work TitleWork Title (English)GenreLanguagePlaceDetail
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia* 载瓦语声调研究 A study of Zaiwa tone* language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia* 浪速语研究 A Study of Langsu Language* language Chinese 北京
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia* 片马茶山人及其语言 Chashan Nationality and Their Language in Pianma* language Chinese 北京
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia* 景颇语参考语法 Reference Grammar of Jinghpaw* language Chinese 北京
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇语并列结构复合词的元音和谐 The principles of vowel collocation for coordinative compound words in Jingpo language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia* 论景颇话和载佤话的关系 On the relationship between Jingpo and Zaiwa* language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 论景颇族的支系语言 On sectorial languages of Jingpo nationality language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇族传统诗歌的语言特点 Characteristics of the language of traditional songs and poetry of the Jingpho nationality language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇语的句尾词 The ending auxiliaries of Jingpo language Chinese 昆明
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇语亲属称谓的语义分析 Semantic analysis of kinship terms of Jingpo language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇语双音节词的音节聚合 Syllabic fusion of the disyllabic words of the Jinghpo language language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇语单纯词在构词中的变异 The variation of free morphemes in compound words in Jinghpo language language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 藏缅语族语言研究 2 Research on Tibeto-Burman languages 2 language Chinese 昆明
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 藏缅语族语言研究 4 Research on Tibeto-Burman languages 4 language Chinese 昆明
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 藏缅语族语言研究 Research on Tibeto-Burman languages language Chinese 昆明
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 藏缅语族语言研究 3 Research on Tibeto-Burman languages 3 language Chinese 昆明
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 再论景颇语的句尾词 Once again on the sentence final auxiliaries in the Jinghpo language language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇语实词的虚化 Grammaticalization in the Jinghpo language language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇语词的双音节化对语法的影响 The influence of disyllabization on the morphology and syntax of the Jinghpo language language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇语使动范畴的结构系统和历史演变 The structual system and historical evolution of the Jinghpo causative construction language Chinese 昆明
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇语方位词"里、处"的虚实两重性 --- 兼论景颇语语法分析中的"跨性"原则 On the dual nature of Jinghpo locational morphemes as function and content words language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇语的"宾动"结构 The OV construction in Jinghpo language Chinese 昆明
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇语的结构助词"的 Thepossessive structual particle in Jinghpo language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇语的连动式 Serial verb constructions in Jinghpo language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 再论汉语的特点是什么 --- 从景颇语反观汉语 Once again on the characteristics of Chinese: from the perspective of Jingpo* language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇语名词的类称范畴 Classifying categories of nouns of Jingpo language language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇语重叠式的特点及其成因 The characteristics and origin of reduplication in the Jingpo language language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 论景颇语在藏缅语中的地位 On the role of the Jingpo language in the Tibeto-Burman language group language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 从语言系统看景颇语动词的重叠 A study of Jingpo verb reduplication within the frame of language system language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇语的疑问句 Questions in Jingpo language Chinese 北京
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇语的话题 Topics in the Jingpo language language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇语"形修名"两种语序对比 A comparative study between two word orders of nouns and their adjectives language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇语句尾词形成的结构机制 Structual mechanism of word of sentence final auxiliaries of Jingpo language language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇语的"体"和"貌 The aspect and mood of Jingpo language Chinese 北京
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇语四音格词产生的机制及其类型学特征 Tetrasyllables in the Jingpo language: Typological characteristics and mechanisms for their emergence language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 汉语景颇语量词比较 On the function and development of classifier: A comparison of classifiers in Chinese and Jingo language Chinese 広州
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇语的"NP+e"式 --- 兼与汉语比较 The structure of 'NP+e' in Jingpo language Chinese 武汉
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇语的否定范畴 The category of negation in Jingpo language Chinese 昆明
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇语的泛指动词 The general verbs in the Jingpo language language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇语谓语人称标记的多选择性 Multiple options in person marking on the predicate in Jingpo language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇语"宾谓同形短语"的特点及其成因 The characteristics and origin of the object-predicate phrase of homonyms in Jingpo language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇语"给"字句的类型学特征 The typological characteristics of "gei" sentence pattern in Jingpo language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇语词汇化分析 The lexicalization of Jingpo languag language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇语的连写规则 The orthography in Jingpo* language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 兴颇语和景颇语 Singhpo and Jinghpo language Chinese 北京
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 戴庆厦文集 1 景颇族语言卷 Collected works of Qingxia Dai 1, Languages of the Jingpo nationality* language Chinese 北京
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia* 景颇语教学经验点滴 Points of experience teaching Jingpo* language Chinese 贵阳
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇语支 The Jingpo branch* language Chinese 北京
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇语的韵律与语法结构演变 The prosody of the Jingpo language and the change of Jingpo grammatical structure language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 景颇语两类句尾词的功能互补 Complementary functionality in two categories of the final auxiliaries in the sentences of the Jingpo language language Chinese