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Total Records Found: 1009, showing 50 per page
AuthorAuthor (English)Work TitleWork Title (English)GenreLanguagePlaceDetail
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 论跨境语言的和谐与冲突 --- 以中缅景颇语个案为例 A study on the harmonious and conflicting relation between pluricentric languages: Taking the case study of Sino-Burma Jinghpo language as an example language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 载瓦语使动范畴的形态变化 On the morphology of causative verbs in Zaiwa language language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 载瓦语声调研究 The tones of Zaiwa language Chinese
戴庆厦 Dai, Qingxia 阿昌语的清鼻音 Voiceless nasals in Achang language Chinese
戴庆厦・傅爱兰 Dai, Qingxia and Ailan Fu 从语言系统看景颇语动词的重叠 A study of Jingpo verb reduplication within the frame of language system language Chinese
戴庆厦・岳相昆 Dai, Qingxia and Xiangkun Yue 景颇语的声调 The tones of Jingpo language Chinese
戴庆厦・岳相昆 Dai, Qingxia and Xiangkun Yue* 景颇语文常识 General knowledge of Jingpo literature and language* language Chinese 德宏
戴庆厦・岳相昆 Dai, Qingxia and Xiangkun Yue* 景颇语基础教程 A basic course in Jingpo* language Chinese 北京
戴庆厦・岳相昆 Dai, Qingxia and Xiangkun Yue* 景颇成语 Jingpo proverbs* language Chinese 昆明
戴庆厦・崔志超 Dai, Qingxia and Zhichao Cui* 阿昌语概况 An outline of the Achang language* language Chinese
戴庆厦・崔霞 Dai, Qingxia and Xia cui 从藏缅语语法演变层次看独龙语和景颇语亲缘关系的远近 The genetic distance between Dulong and Jingpo from the perspective of grammatical evolution of Tibeto-Burman language language Chinese
戴庆厦・彭茹 Dai, Qingxia and Ru Peng 景颇语的基数词 --- 兼与汉语等亲属语言比较 The Jingpo numeral: with comparison with Chinese and other related languages* language Chinese
戴庆厦・徐悉艰 Dai, Qingxia and Xijian Xu 景颇语语法 A Jingpo grammar language Chinese 北京
戴庆厦・徐悉艰 Dai, Qingxia and Xijian Xu 景颇语词汇学 Jinghpo lexicology language Chinese 北京
戴庆厦・李洁 Dai Qingxia and Li Jie 勒期语概况 A brief introduction of Leqi language language Chinese
戴庆厦・杨春燕 Dai, Qingxia and Chunyan Yang 景颇语两个语音特点的统计分析 Statistics and analysis of two distinguish phonetic features of Jingpo language language Chinese
戴庆厦・王朝晖 Dai, Qingxia and Chaohui Wang 仙岛语的语源及其濒危趋势 The origin of the Xiandao language and its endangered tendency language Chinese
戴庆厦・王洪梅 Dai, Qingxia and Hongmei Wang 景颇语的助动词形成的途径和条件 The conditions which lead to the formation of the Jinghpo auxiliaries language Chinese
戴庆厦・王玲 Dai, Qingxia and Ling Wang 景颇语弱化音节语音性质的实验研究 An experimental study of characteristics of Jingpo weak syllables* language Chinese
戴庆厦・蒋颖 Dai, Qingxia and Ying Jiang 萌芽期量词的类型学特征 -- 景颇语量词的个案研究 Typological characteristics of a classifier system in its embryonic stage of development: Jingpo classifiers as a case study language Chinese 台北
戴庆厦・蒋颖 Dai, Qingxia and Ying Jiang 论量词的功能与演变 --- 汉语景颇语量词比较 On the function and development of classifiers: A comparison of Chinese and Jingpo classifiers* language Chinese 北京
戴庆厦・蒋颖・乔翔・朱艳华 Dai, Qingxia, Ying Jiang, Xiang Qiao and Yanhua Zhu 耿马景颇语的语言活力 On the vitality of the Jingpo language in Gengma language Chinese
戴庆厦・袁焱 Dai, Qingxia and Yan Yuan 互补和竞争:语言接触的杠杆 --- 以阿昌语的语言接触为例 Mutual replenishment and competitionas level action of language contact: A case study of the Achang language language Chinese
戴庆厦・闻静 Dai, Qingxia and Jing Wen 景颇语方式范畴的句法形式及其类型学特征 Syntax and typological properties of Jingpo manner category* language Chinese
戴庆厦・顾阳 Dai, Qingxia and Yang Gu 对景颇语 [名词+形容词] 成分的结构分析 A structural analysis of the Jingpo [N+A] constructions language Chinese 北京
戴庆厦・顾阳 Dai, Qingxia and Yang Gu 论话题的语法范畴:景颇语话题形态分析 On the grammatical category of topic: An analysis of the morphology of Jingpo topic* language Chinese 北京
戴庆厦・黎意 Dai, Qingxia and Yi Li 景颇语的述补结构 The structure of verb+complement in Jingpo language Chinese
戴庆厦, 丛铁华, 蒋穎, 李洁 Dai, Qingxia, and Tiehua Cong, and Zhi’en Kong, and Jie Li* 仙岛语研究 A Study of Xiandao Language* language Chinese 北京
戴庆厦, 傅爱兰, 刘菊黃 Dai, Qingxia, and Fu Ailan, and Liu Juhuang* 波拉语 Bola language* language Chinese 昆明
戴庆厦, 岳相昆 Dai, Qingxia, and Yue Xiangkun* 景颇语基础教程 Elementary Course of Jinghpaw Language* textbook Chinese 北京
戴庆厦, 徐悉艰 Dai, Qingxia and Xi Jian Xu* 浪速语初探 A preliminary report of Langsu language* language Chinese 武汉
戴庆厦, 徐悉艰 Dai, Qingxia, and Xu Xijian* 勒期语 Leqi language* language Chinese 昆明
戴庆厦, 徐悉艰 Dai, Qingxia, and Xu Xijian* 浪速语 Langsu language* language Chinese 昆明
戴庆厦, 李洁 Dai, Qingxia, and Jie Li* 勒期语研究 A Study of Leqi Language* language Chinese 北京
戴庆厦, 蒋穎, 孔志恩 Dai, Qingxia, and Ying Jiang, and Zhi’en Kong* 波拉语研究 A Study of Bola Language* language Chinese 北京
戴庆厦, 黄布凡, 傅爱兰, 仁增旺姆, 刘菊黄 Dai, Qingxia, and Huang Bufan, and Fu Ailan, and Renzeng Wangmu, and Liu Juhuang* 藏缅语十五种 Fifteen Tibeto-Burman Languages* language Chinese 北京
戴庆厦(编) Dai, Qingxia (ed.) 云南德宏州景颇族语言使用现状及其演变 The status quo and evolution of language use of the Jingpo nationality in Dehong Prefecture, Yunnan Province language Chinese 北京
戴庆厦(编) Dai, Qingxia (ed.) 耿马县景颇族语言使用现状及其演变 The status quo and evolution of language use of the Jingpo nationality in Gengma County language Chinese 北京
戴庆夏 (编) Dai, Qingxia (ed.) 阿昌族语言使用现状及其演变 The status quo and evolution of language use of the Achang nationality language Chinese 北京
攸延春 You, Yanchun 阿昌族文学简史 A brief history of the Achang literature* literature, history Chinese 昆明
方炳翰 Fang, Binghan 景颇语复合名词中的特殊类 A special type of noun compounds in Jingpo* language Chinese
施洪・李茂琳・高陞 Shi, Hong, Maolin Li and Sheng Gao 景颇族目瑙示栋中的动物元素 Connotations of animal images in Jingpo's Munao Shidong culture Chinese
施璐・王丽 Shi, Lu and Li Wang 保山阿昌族语言接触现状及保护研究 The present condition and conservation of the Achang language in Baoshan language Chinese
曹榕主 (编) Cao, Rongzhu 阿昌族民间故事集 Collected folktales of the Achang nationality* folktale Chinese 昆明
木玉璋・孙宏开 Mu, Yuzhang and Hongkai Sun 傈僳语方言研究 A study of Lisu dialects* language Chinese 北京
朱 艳华, 勒排 早扎 Zhu, Yanhua, and Lepai Zaosha* 遮放载瓦语参考语法 Reference Grammar of Zhefang Zaiwa* language Chinese 北京
朱国权 Zhu, Guoquan 景颇族教育传统的历史演进 A historical account of the traditional education of the Jingpo nationality education Chinese
朱艳华 Zhu, Yanhua 载瓦语的示证范畴 Evidential categories of the Zaiwa language language Chinese
朱艳华 Zhu, Yanhua* 载瓦语现实和非现实范畴的实证研究 An empirical research on realis and irrealis categories in Zaiwa* language Chinese
朱艳华 Zhu, Yanhua* 载瓦语的差比句 The comparative sentence in Zaiwa* language Chinese