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Total Records Found: 1009, showing 50 per page
AuthorAuthor (English)Work TitleWork Title (English)GenreLanguagePlaceDetail
朱艳华 Zhu, Yanhua* 载瓦语存在动词的类型学研究 A typological study of the Zaiwa existential verb* language Chinese
朵示拥汤 Duoshi, Yong Tang* 景颇族源流史话 The origin and history of the Jingpo nationality* history Chinese 德宏
朵示拥汤 Duoshi, Yong Tang* 景颇族载瓦语言文字 The Zaiwa script of the Jingpo people* language Chinese 德宏
李叶・徐祖祥 Li, Xie and Zu Xu 景颇族史诗神话中的民族认同 Jingpo ethnic identity in its epic myth culture Chinese
李叶・徐祖祥 Li,Ye and Zuxiang Xu 景颇族原始宗教与群体认同 The Jingpo primitive religion and group identity religion Chinese
李怀宇 Li, Huaiyuan 试论迁徙对景颇族社会发展的影响 The influences of migration on the social development of the Jingpo ethnic group culture Chinese
李怀明 Li, Huaiyuan 对德宏州景颇族发展情况的调查与思考 Thoughts out of the survey on the Jingpo people's development in the autonomous prefecture of Jingpo ethnology Chinese
李教昌 Li, Jiaochang 傈僳语教程 Elementary course of the Lisu language* language Chinese 昆明
李晓岑 Li, Xiaocen 阿昌族的制铁技术及相关问题 The making-iron technology and related problems of Achang Nationality culture Chinese
李晓琴 Li, Xiaoqin* 景颇语与独龙语词语重叠比较研究 Research on reduplication in Derung language and Jingpo language language Chinese
李木汤 Li, Mutang 德宏傣语、景颇语、载瓦语及民汉双语教学人才培养实施方案的思考 On implementation of bilingual teaching plan of Dehong Dai, Jingpo, Zaiwa and Chinese languages language Chinese
李木迪 Li, Mudi* 德宏载瓦语被动式结构类型浅析 A brief analysis of the passive structure in Dehong Zaiwa* language Chinese
李灿松 Li, Chansong 中国少数民族人口丛书:景颇族 The population of China's ethnic minorities: The Jingpo nationality census Chinese 北京
李然辉 Li, Ranhui* 论景颇语能愿词与动词的结构关系 On the relationship between Jingpo modal verbs and verb structures* language Chinese 北京
李翼飞・刘瑞峰・吴湘君・郭振华 Li, Yifei, Fengrui Liu, Xiangjun Wu and Zhenhua Guo 以刀论显:景颇族武术文化研究 Manifesting with sword: Wushu culture of Jingpo nationality culture Chinese
杜文银 Du, Wenyin 景颇族城乡小学生身体形态与机能的对比研究 Comparative research on physical types and functions of urban and rural pupils in Jingpo ethnic group biology Chinese
杨德亮 Yang, Deliang 基督宗教对景颇族教育的影响分析 --- 以云南等嘎村为例 A study of Christian religion on the education of the Jingpo ethnic group --- A case study of Dengga village in Yunnan education Chinese
杨文赞・唐洗敏・刘春雷・程从芳・胡永芝・张本斯 Yang, Wenzan, Ximin Tang, Chunlei Liu, Congfang Cheng, Yongzhi Hu, Bensi Zhang 德宏州景颇族指嵴纹数和t三叉的分布 Investigation of finger ridge count and triradius t of Dehong Jingpo nationality in China biology Chinese
杨露 Yang, Lu 阿昌语塞音韵尾方言差异的地理语言学分析 Analysis of the plosive endings of the Achang language in the perspective of geographical linguistics language Chinese
林明彦 Lin, Mingyan 仪式与象征 --- 陇川县护国乡景颇族丧葬仪式考察 Ritual and symbolism --- A cultural investigation on the funeral of Jingpo nationality in Huguo township of Longchuan culture Chinese
林海 Lin, Hai* 载瓦语的声调格局 Tonal patterns of Zaiwa* language Chinese
柳五三(编) Liu, Wusan 陇川景颇族文化 The Jingpo culture of Longchuan* culture Chinese 德宏
欧光明・李文宇 Ou, Guangming and Wenyu Li 傈僳语366句会话句 366 phrases in Lisu* language Chinese 北京
段伶(编) Duan, Ling (ed.) 傈僳语文基础知识 General knowledge of the Lisu language* language Chinese 昆明
段家开 Duan, Jiakai 跨境民族阿昌族历史初探 A study in history of Achang nationality "cross the border" people culture Chinese
沈菲 Chen, Fei* 景颇族 The Jingpo nationality* general Chinese 吉林
潘俞先・杨柳 Yu, Xiapan and Yang Liu 水酒 --- 景颇族酒文化小议 Water wome: The wine culture of Jingpo people tradition Chinese
澤田 英夫 Sawada, Hideo* ロンウォー語の直示的移動動詞の意味的対立 The Semantic Opposition in Deictic Movement Verbs of Lhaovo* language Japanese 東京
澤田 英夫 Sawada, Hideo* ロンウォー語における動詞の文法化にかかわる現象 Phenomena Related to Grammaticalization of Verbs in Lhaovo language Japanese 東京
澤田 英夫 Sawada, Hideo* ロンウォー語の名詞句構造 Noun Phrase Structure of Lhaovo* language Japanese 東京
澤田 英夫 Sawada, Hideo* ロンウォー語正書法 Lhaovo Orthography* language Japanese 東京
澤田 英夫 Sawada, Hideo 20 世紀初頭のロンウォー語資料 A Lhaovo (Maru) Material of Early 20 Century language Japanese Kobe
澤田 英夫 Sawada, Hideo* ロンウォー語の格標示形式の体系 Case Marking System of Lhaovo* language Japanese 東京
澤田 英夫 Sawada, Hideo* ロンウォー語の動詞句 Verb Phrases in Lhaovo* language Japanese 東京
澤田 英夫 Sawada, Hideo* ロンウォー語の文構造の概観 Overview of Sentence Structure of Lhaovo* language Japanese 東京
澤田 英夫 Sawada, Hideo* ロンウォー語の複動詞構造 Multi-verb Constructions of Lhaovo* language Japanese 東京
澤田英夫 Sawada, Hideo* 北部ビルマ下位語群の言語ランスー語の借用語 Loanwords in Lhangsu, a Northern Burmish language language Japanese 神戸
熊顺清 Xiong, Shunqing* 中国阿昌族 The Achang nationality of China* general Chinese 银川
王业腾(编) Wang, Yeteng (ed.) 德宏傣族景颇族自治州概况 The outline of Dehong Dai and Jingpo autonomous prefecture in west Yunnan, Dehong Prefecture general Chinese 北京
王丽 Wang, Li 保山阿昌族语言使用现状及其发展研究 The conditions and development of the Achang language in Baoshan language Chinese
王晓娜 Wang, Xiaona* 景颇语话题结构再分析 Reanalysis of Jingpo topic structure * language Chinese
王朝晖 Wang, Chaohui 仙岛语和阿昌语的元音对应关系 Correspondences of vowels between Xiandao and Achang language Chinese
王朝晖 Wang, Chaohui 仙岛语的词类和形态 Parts of speeches and morphology in the Xiandao language language Chinese
申玉红・周长军・杨启祥 Shen, Yuong, Zhouchang Jun and Qixiang Yang 景颇族服饰中的数学文化 Mathematical culture in the costume of Jingpo nationality culture Chinese
石锐 Shi, Rui 景颇族传统农业的变迁 The changes of the traditional farming culture of the Jingpo nationality agriculture Chinese
石锐 Shi, Rui 景颇族原始生死观浅析 A preliminary analysis of Jingpo's primitive concept on life and death ethnology Chinese
石锐 Shi, Rui 景颇族传统祭词译注 Notes on traditional sacrificial oration of Jingpo Nationality culture Chinese 昆明
祁德川 Qi, Dechuan* 中国景颇族 The Jingpo nationality of China* generl Chinese 银川
祝发清(编) Zhu, Faqing (ed.) 傈汉小词典 A small dictionary of Lisu* language Chinese 德宏
程 黙 Chéng, Mò* 载瓦语简介 An introduction to Zaiwa langage* language Chinese