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Total Records Found: 1009, showing 50 per page
AuthorAuthor (English)Work TitleWork Title (English)GenreLanguagePlaceDetail
高野秀行 Takano, Hideyuki* 謎のアジア納豆: そして帰ってきた日本納豆 Mystery of the Asian Natto* reportage Japanese 東京
鲍宏光 Bao, Hongguang 当代景颇族基督教的功能、问题及其根本出路 Jingpo people's christianity today:Functions, problems and directions religion Chinese
鸥鹍勃(编) Ou, Kunbao (ed.)* 景颇族民间故事选 A selection of Jingpo folktales* folktale Chinese 上海
鸥鹍勃(编) Ou, Kunbao (ed.)* 景颇族民间故事 Jingpo folktales* folktale Chinese 昆明
黎颖思 Li, Yingsi* 景颇语双音节合成词变调的优选解释 An optimality-theoretic analysis of tone alternation of disyllabic compound words in Jingpo* language Chinese 北京
龚佩华 Gong, Peihua* 景颇族 The Jingpo nationality* general Chinese 北京
龚佩华 Gong, Peihua* 景颇族山官制社会研究 A study of Jinghpo Gumsa* culture Chinese 広州
龚佩华 Gong, Peihua* 阿昌族 The Achang nationality* culture Chinese 北京
龚济达・成功・薛达元・郭云胶・杨京彪 Gong, Jida, Gongxue Cheng, Dayuan Xue, Yunjiao Guo and Jingbiao Yang 云南省陇川县景颇族药用动物传统知识现状 Status of Jingpo people's traditional medicinal knowledge of animals in Longchuan, Yunnan medicine Chinese