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Total Records Found: 1009, showing 50 per page
AuthorAuthor (English)Work TitleWork Title (English)GenreLanguagePlaceDetail
Durrenburger, E. Paul Lisu: Political form, ideology, and economic action general English Kuala Lumpur
Dutta, B. C. Some observations on the diseases and traditional medicines of the Singphos medicine English
Dutta, D. K. Ethnographic note on the Lisus of Gandhigram district, Tirap district ethnology English
Dutta, D. K. A little known tribe of Tirap general English
Dutta, Parul C. The Singphos general English Itanagar
Enriquez, C.M. In Quest of Greatness expedition English Myitkyina
Enríquez, Colin M. Kachin military terms language English Rangoon
Enríquez, Colin M. A Burmese Arcady: An account of a long & intimate sojourn amongst the mountain dwellers of the Burmese hinterland & of their engaging characteristics and customs general English London
Enríquez, Colin M. Races of Burma general English Calcutta
Farrelly, Nicholas Spatial control and symbolic politics at the intersection of China, India and Burma politics, geography English Oxford
Farrelly, Nicholas Finding space for development: Kachin politics on Burma's fringe politics, geography English
Farrelly, Nicholas Ceasing ceasefire? Kachin politics beyond the stalemates politics English Singapore
Farrelly, Nicholas War, law, politics: Reflections on violence and the Kachin politics English Oxford
Farrelly, Nicholas ‘AK47/M16 Rifle-Rs. 15,000 each’: what price peace on the Indo-Burmese frontier? politics English
Farrelly, Nicholas Cooperation, contestation, conflict: Ethnic political interests in Myanmar today politics English
Farrelly, Nicholas, La Raw Maran and Mandy Sadan Sojourn symposium review of 'Being and becoming Kachin: Histories beyond the state in the borderworlds of Burma' by Mandy Sadan (OUP 2013) review English
Fellowes-Gordon, Ian Amiable assassins: The story of the Kachin Guerrillas of North Burma history English London
Fellowes-Gordon, Ian The battle for Naw Seng's kingdom: General Stilwell's North Burma campaign and its aftermath history English London
Fischer, Edward Mission in Burma: The Columban Fathers' forty-three years in Kachin country religion English New York
Forbes, C. J. F. S. On Tibeto-Burman languages language English
Forbes, C. J. F. S. Comparative grammar of the languages of further India language English London
Formoso, Bernard Prêtres et chamanes. Métamorphoses des Kachin de Birmanie by François Robinne review English
Fraser, James O. Handbook of the Lisu (Yawyin) language language English Rangoon
Fraser, James O. The New Testament in Hwa Lisu bible Lisu Hongkong
Friedman, J. Generalized exchange, theocracy and the opium trade trade English
Friedman, Jonathan Dynamique et transformations du systeme tribal: l'exemple des Katchin other English
Friedman, Jonathan System, structure, and contradiction: The evolution of “Asiatic” social formations other English Copenhagen
Friedman, Jonathan States, hinterlands, and governance in Southeast Asia review English
G. Ting Luk (Gagam Ga) Shanhte a Matu Sharin La Hpa Maumwi Folktales for them to learn* folktale Jinghpaw
Geissmann, T. et al. A new species of snub-nosed monkey, genus Rhinopithecus Milne-Edwards, 1872 (Primates, Colobinae), from northern Kachin state, northeastern Myanmar biology English
Gellner, David N. (ed.) Borderland lives in Northern South Asia other English Durham
Gilhodes, C. The Kachins: Religion and customs religion English South Pasadena, California
Gilhodes, C. Chinpaw laika kanu Kachin alphabet textbook Jinghpaw Mandalay
Gray, J. Errol Diary of a journey to the Bor Khamti country and sources of the Irrawaddy, made by J. Errol Gray, season 1892-93, from Assam expedition English Simla
Gray, J. Errol Mr. Errol Gray’s journey from Assam to the sources of the Irawadi expedition English
Greenberg, Joseph H. Numeral classifiers and substantival number: Problems in the genesis of a linguistic type language English
Grewal, Dalvinder Singh Tribes of Arunachal Pradesh general English Delhi
Grierson, George A. (ed.) Linguistic survey of India, Volume 3, Part 2, Specimens of the Bodo-Naga and Kachin groups language English Calcutta
Grundy-Warr, Carl and Karin Dean Not peace, not war: The myriad spaces of sovereignty, peace and conflict in Myanmar/Burma ethnic conflict English Farnham
Grundy-Warr, Carl and Karin Dean The boundaries of contested identities: 'Kachin' and 'Karenni' spaces in the troubled borderlands of Burma politics, geography English Farnham
H. Naw Awn Wunpawng labau ginsi history Jinghpaw unknown
Hale, Austin Research on Tibeto-Burman Languages language English Berlin
Han, Enze Borderland ethnic politics and changing Sino–Myanmar relations ethnic conflict English Copenhagen
Hannay, Major S. F. Sketch of the Singphos, or the Kakhyens of Burma: the position of this tribes as regards, Baumo, and the inland trade of the valley of the Irrawaddy with Yunnan, and their connection with the North-Eastern Frontier of Assam general English Calcutta
Hannay, S. F. Continuation of notes on the Shans, or Tae nation expedition English Calcutta
Hanson, Ola A dictionary of the Kachin language language English Rangoon
Hanson, Ola Jinghpaw jahtuk ai laika Kachin spelling book language English Rangoon
Hanson, Ola A grammar of the Kachin language language English Rangoon
Hanson, Ola A Hand-book of the Kachin or Jinghpaw Language, including grammar, phrase-book, English-Kachin and Kachin-English vocabularies language English Rangoon
Hanson, Ola Karai Kasang tra, ma ni hpe jahpat ai laika Catechism for the little ones religion Jinghpaw Rangoon