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Total Records Found: 1009, showing 50 per page
AuthorAuthor (English)Work TitleWork Title (English)GenreLanguagePlaceDetail
Min, S. Impacts of wildlife trade on conservation in Kachin State, Myanmar other English
Mitchell, St. J.F. Report (topographical, political, and military) on the North-East Frontier of India. Confidential expedition English Calcutta
Morey, Stephen Studying tones in North East India: Tai, Singpho and Tangsa language English
Morey, Stephen Turung khong na pung Turung folktales* language Turung Jorhat
Morey, Stephen The Singpho agentive: Functions and meanings language English
Morey, Stephen Nominalization in Numhpuk Singpho language English Amsterdam and Philadelphia
Morey, Stephen Poetic forms in Nocte, Singpho, Tai and Tangsa language English New Delhi
Morey, Stephen The tone and syllable structure of Turung language English Canberra
Morey, Stephen Working with tones in north east India: The tonal system of Numhpuk Singpho, Assam language English New Delhi
Morey, Stephen Small languages in a polylingual situation: The case of Turung language English Mysore
Morey, Stephen Turung: A variety of Singpho language spoken in Assam language English Canberra
Morineau, G. and T. Prazuck Drug-related behaviour in a high HIV prevalence rate population at Myitkyina drug treatment centre, Kachin State, northern Myanmar (Burma) medicine English
Morse, David L. and Thomas M. Tehan How do you write Lisu? language English
Morse, Eugene Exodus to a hidden valley history English New York
Morse, Robert H. Hierarchical levels of Rawang phonology language English
Morse, Robert H. Phonology of Rawang language English
Morse, Robert H. Syntactic frames for the Rvwang (Rawang) verb language English
Morse, Robert H. and Betty Morse Oral tradition and Rawang migration routes history English Ascona, Switzerland
Morse, Stephen A. A short update on Rawang phonology language English
Morse, Stephen A. Five Rawang dialects compared plus more language English Canberra
Moscotti, Albert D. Burma’s constitution and elections of 1974: A source book law English Singapore
Møller, Henrik Kloppenborg Boom or bust in China’s jade trade with Myanmar? trade English Canberra
Müller, André Linguistic convergence within the ‘Kachin’ languages language English
Mya-Tu, U Ko Ko, U Aung-Than-Batu, U Kywe Thein & U Than Tun Aung Hlang The Tarons in Burma: The results of a scientific expedition by the Burma Medical Research Society general English Rangoon
Myitung, Naw Sara Zau Mai a lam biography Jinghpaw Mungmaw
N-bug' Dai Leim Lhaovo Tung" Jao Paug' Lhaovo Grammar language Lhaovo
N-gan Tang Gun The Origin of Kachin Manau culture English Naung Nang
N-Gan Tang Gun Jinghpaw Wunpawng chyum jawng hkawlik a (75) ning hpring chyeju shakawn ai lung seng jubili labau religion Jinghpaw unknown
N-Gan Tang Gun Karai masa a hpaji hkrun lam religion Jinghpaw unknown
N-Gan Tang Gun Sape ni a amyu hpyi sak hkrun lam religion Jinghpaw unknown
N-Gan Tang Gun Jinghpaw Wunpawng chyum hkawlik a labau history Jinghpaw unknown
Nagakura, Kayoko Elements of Ngo Chang grammar language English Chiangmai
Namkung, Ju (ed.) Phonological inventories of Tibeto-Burman languages language English Berkeley
Nasaw, Sampu, and Wilai Jaseng, and Thocha Jana, and Douglas Inglis A Preliminary Ngochang-Kachin-English Lexicon language English Chiangmai
Nawng Mung Seng Tu (Bunghku) Chyaloi Nhkoi na Mungdan The ancient country unknown Jinghpaw
Ndawng Awng Jinghpaw laika ka kadat hpaji laika buk language Jinghpaw unknown
Ndawng Awng Jinghpaw laika sharin ladat hte labau kadun Kachin reader teaching method and background history of Kachin literature language Jinghpaw unknown
Needham, Jack F. Outline grammar of the Singpho language, as spoken by the Singphos, Dowanniyas, and others, residing in the neighbourhood of Sadiya, etc. language English Shilong
Neufville, J. B. On the geography and population of Assam geography English
Nhkum Naw Tawng Nsi note hti sharin laika Music sight reading music Jinghpaw unknown
Nhkum Tang Gun Madu Myit Hpe Shalat Ga Let's beget the mind of the God* religion Jinghpaw
Nhkum, Bu Lu A woman’s life in war and peace ethnic conflict English Copenhagen
Nishida, Tatsuo Some problems in the comparison of Tibetan, Burmese, and Kachin languages language English
Nishida, Tatsuo A preliminary study on the Lisu language in Tak Province language English
Nugent, David Closed systems and contradiction: The Kachin in and out of history ethnology English
Nugent, David Imaginary Kachins review English
Nwang Mung Seng Tu Chyaloi nhkoi na mungdan religion Jinghpaw unknown
Okell, John A. Notes on tone alternation in Maru verbs language English
Ola, Hanson The Kachins: Their customs and traditions general English Rangoon
Ola, Hanson Hti sharin ai laika: Jinghpaw tsun hkai ai maumwi Kachin reader: Kachin stories and poetry textbook Jinghpaw Rangoon